SB436,64,16 12(b) On or before October 1, and after the hearings required under par. (a), the
13county executive or county administrator shall
submit the amended proposed budget
14to the county board the budget, as amended, after such hearings. Such. The
15amended proposed budget shall be the executive's or administrator's budget and
16shall include: (a) a all of the following:
SB436,64,18 171. A simple, clear, general summary of the detailed contents of the budget; (b)
SB436,64,22 192. A comparative statement by organization unit and principal object of
20expenditure showing the actual expenditures of the preceding fiscal year, the
21appropriations and estimated expenditures for the fiscal year currently ending, and
22the recommended appropriations for the fiscal year next succeeding ; and (c) a.
SB436,65,3 233. A comparative statement of the actual revenues from all sources including
24property taxes during the preceding fiscal year, the anticipated revenues and the

1estimated revenues for the fiscal year currently ending, and the anticipated
2revenues for the fiscal year next succeeding including any surplus from the
3preceding fiscal year not otherwise appropriated pursuant to sub. (9).
SB436,65,5 4(c) The anticipated revenues for the fiscal year next succeeding shall be equal
5in amount to the recommended appropriations.
SB436,65,10 6(d) The executive's or administrator's budget shall be accompanied by a
7message prepared by the county executive or county administrator which shall
8outline the important features of the budget plan and indicate any major changes in
9policy or in recommended appropriations or revenues as compared with the fiscal
10year currently ending, and shall set forth the reasons for such changes.
Note: Subdivides provision and replaces language for greater readability and
conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 170 11Section 170. 59.85 (1) of the statutes is amended by replacing "one thousand
12dollars" with "$1,000" and by replacing "two" with "2".
Note: Replaces word form of number with digits consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 171 13Section 171. 59.90 (2) of the statutes is amended by replacing "ten" with "10"
14and by replacing "ten-year" with "10-year".
Note: Replaces word form of number with digits consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 172 15Section 172. 59.90 (3) of the statutes is amended by replacing "fifty dollars nor
16more than two hundred dollars" with "$50 nor more than $200".
Note: Replaces word form of number with digits consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 173 17Section 173. 59.965 (2) (d) 7. of the statutes is amended by replacing
18"submitted by a institution" with "submitted by an institution".
Note: Inserts correct word form.
SB436, s. 174 19Section 174. 59.97 (15) (im) of the statutes is amended by replacing "s. 252.01
20(1)" with "s. 252.01 (1m)".

Note: Corrects cross-reference. Section 252.01 (1) was renumbered s. 252.01 (1m)
by 1993 Wis. Act 252.
SB436, s. 175 1Section 175. 59.997 (1) of the statutes is amended by replacing "two" with "2".
Note: Replaces word form of number with digits consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 176 2Section 176. 59.997 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,66,73 59.997 (6) The county board of supervisors shall cause a copy of the
4consolidation agreement thereafter to be published in each county as a class 1 notice
5under ch. 985. The owner-editor or manager of each newspaper publishing the
6notice shall issue a certificate of the publication to the judge of the circuit court for
7each affected county, which shall be proof of publication.
Note: Text is moved from sub. (7), reordered and replaced for more logical
placement and improved readability and to improve the readability of sub. (7).
SB436, s. 177 8Section 177. 59.997 (7) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 16,
9is renumbered 59.997 (7) (a) and amended to read:
SB436,66,1710 59.997 (7) (a) When the publication of the said consolidation agreement in each
11of the said counties included in the agreement is completed, of which the certificate
12to the judge of the circuit court of the said counties from the owner-editor or manager
13of each newspaper publishing the same shall be proof,
the judge or judges of the
14circuit courts of the said those counties shall, by order entered of record in each of
15such the counties, require the several county clerks of the each of the counties
16included in the consolidation agreement to submit such the question of the
17consolidation of the counties
to a vote of the qualified electors of such the counties.
SB436,67,4 18(b) The question of the consolidation of the counties shall be submitted to the
at the next election to be held on the first Tuesday in April, or the next regular
20election, or at a special election to be held on the day fixed in said the order issued
21under par. (a)
, which day shall be the same in each of the counties proposing to
22consolidate. A copy of said the order shall be filed with the county clerk of each of

1such the counties. If such the question of consolidation is submitted at a special
2election, it shall be held not less than thirty 30 days nor more than sixty 60 days from
3the completion of the consolidation agreement, but not within sixty 60 days of any
4spring or general election.
Note: Subdivides provision and reorders and replaces language to improve
readability and conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 178 5Section 178. 59.997 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,67,146 59.997 (10) If a majority of the votes cast in each county upon such questions
7the question of consolidation are in favor of the consolidation of such the counties,
8the judge or judges of said the circuit court courts for those counties shall enter such
9that fact of record in each such county. If in any one of such the counties less than
10a majority of the votes cast upon such the question of consolidation are in favor of the
11proposed consolidation, said the consolidation shall be declared to have failed for all
12purposes. If a majority of the votes cast upon such the question of consolidation in
13any county are opposed to consolidation, the question of consolidation shall not be
14again submitted to the electors of such that county for a period of two 2 years.
Note: Replaces language to improve readability and conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 179 15Section 179. 59.997 (15) of the statutes is amended by replacing "two" with "2",
16in 2 places.
Note: Replaces word form of number with digits consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 180 17Section 180. 60.63 (10m) of the statutes is amended by replacing "s. 252.01 (1)"
18with "s. 252.01 (1m)".
Note: Corrects cross-reference. Section 252.01 (1) was renumbered s. 252.01 (1m)
by 1993 Wis. Act 252.
SB436, s. 181 19Section 181. 62.05 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,67,2120 62.05 (1) Cities shall be divided into four 4 classes for administration and the
21exercise of corporate powers as follows:
1(a) Cities of one hundred and fifty thousand 150,000 population and over shall
2constitute 1st class cities of the first class.
SB436,68,43 (b) Cities of thirty-nine thousand 39,000 and less than one hundred and fifty
150,000 population shall constitute 2nd class cities of the second class.
SB436,68,65 (c) Cities of ten thousand 10,000 and less than thirty-nine thousand 39,000
6population shall constitute 3rd class cities of the third class.
SB436,68,87 (d) Cities of less than ten thousand 10,000 population shall constitute 4th class
8cities of the fourth class.
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 182 9Section 182. 62.09 (5) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,68,1410 62.09 (5) (c) The council may, by a record vote of two-thirds of all the members,
11by ordinance adopted and published previous to publication of the notice of the
12election at which alderpersons are to be elected, provide for a division of the
13alderpersons into two 2 classes, one class to be elected for two 2 years and the other
14for four 4 years, and thereafter the term of alderpersons shall be four 4 years.
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 183 15Section 183. 62.11 (2) of the statutes is amended by replacing "six" with "6" and
16by replacing "third" with "3rd".
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digits consistent with current style.
SB436, s. 184 17Section 184. 62.11 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended by replacing "five" with
Note: Replaces word form of number with digit for greater conformity with current
SB436, s. 185 19Section 185. 62.12 (6) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 62.12 (6) (b) (intro.) and
20amended to read:
SB436,68,2121 62.12 (6) (b) (intro.) The council shall not appropriate nor the treasurer pay out:
11. Funds appropriated by law to a special purpose except for that purpose,;
SB436,69,22 2. Funds for any purpose not authorized by the statutes, ; nor
SB436,69,33 3. From Funds from any fund in excess of the moneys therein.
Note: Subdivides provision for greater conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 186 4Section 186. 62.13 (5m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,69,115 62.13 (5m) (c) The name of a subordinate dismissed for any just cause set forth
6in this section shall be left on an eligible reemployment list for a period of two 2 years
7after the date of dismissal, except that if the dismissal was for disciplinary reasons
8the subordinate may not be left on an eligible reemployment list. If any vacancy
9occurs, or if the number of subordinates is increased, in the department, such the
10vacancy or new positions shall be filled by persons on such the eligible reemployment
11list in the inverse order of the dismissal of such the persons on the list.
Note: Replaces language for greater conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 187 12Section 187. 62.13 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,69,2113 62.13 (11) Fire fighters, rest day. The common council of every 4th class city
14of the fourth class, having a population of five thousand 5,000 or more and a fire
15department shall provide for, and the chief of such the fire department shall assign
16to each full paid member thereof, a period of twenty-four 24 consecutive hours off
17duty during each seventy-two 72 hours, except in cases of positive necessity by some
18sudden and serious fire, accident or other peril, which, in the judgment of the chief
19engineer or other officer in charge demands that such the day of rest be not be given
20at such that time. The provisions of this section shall not apply to cities having a
21two-platoon 2-platoon or double shift system.
Note: Replaces word form of numbers with digit for greater conformity with
current style.
SB436, s. 188
1Section 188. 62.15 (4) of the statutes is amended by replacing "five per cent"
2with "5%" and by replacing "twenty per cent" with "20%".
Note: Replaces word form of number with digit for greater conformity with current
SB436, s. 189 3Section 189. 62.15 (9) of the statutes is renumbered 62.15 (9) (a) and amended
4to read:
SB436,70,75 62.15 (9) (a) Any contract for doing public work may contain a provision
6requiring the contractor to keep the work done under such the contract in good order
7or repair for not to exceed five 5 years.
SB436,70,10 8(b) The inclusion in the contract of any such a provision described in par. (a)
9shall not invalidate any special assessment or certificate thereof or tax certificate
10based thereon.
Note: Renumbers provision and replaces language for greater conformity with
current style.
SB436, s. 190 11Section 190. 62.15 (14) of the statutes is renumbered 62.15 (14) (a) and
12amended to read:
SB436,70,1813 62.15 (14) (a) Whenever the council of any city shall have provided by
14ordinance that any class of public work or any part thereof may be done directly by
15the city without submitting the same for bids as provided in sub. (1), and any such
16the public work shall be done in accordance with such the ordinance, the board of
17public works shall keep an accurate account of the cost thereof of the public work,
18including the necessary overhead expense.
SB436,70,22 19(b) Upon the completion of such the work said described in par. (a), the board
20of public works shall make a complete report thereof of the work to the council,
21stating in detail the items of cost and the total cost of doing such the work, and the.
city clerk shall publish such the report as a part of the proceedings of the council.
1(c) Any member of the board of public works who fails to comply with the
2provisions of this subsection shall be liable to a forfeiture of fifty dollars $50 to be
3recovered as in the case of other penalties.
Note: Renumbers provision and replaces language for greater conformity with
current style.
SB436, s. 191 4Section 191. 62.18 (16) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 62.18 (16) (b) 2. and
5amended to read:
SB436,71,206 62.18 (16) (b) 2. Said The tax under par. (a) is declared to be a special tax for
7local improvement, as defined in s. 76.23 and when. When any company defined in
8s. 76.02
owns operating real property (other than poles, towers, wires, equipment,
9mains, lines, tracks and other service structures located within the limits of public
10highways or constructed and maintained on private rights-of-way, and conduits,
11cables, devices, equipment and other facilities located upon or in such operating real
within such a sewer district described in par. (a), the assessor in such the
district shall determine the value of said the operating real property of all such
14companies as lie located within the district, which. The value of the operating real
shall be determined on the same basis as is the value of other real property
16subject to such the special tax. Such The valuation of the operating real property
17shall be placed upon the tax roll for the purposes of such the special tax only. The
18tax so assessed to such the companies owning operating real property within the
shall be collected as other special sewer district taxes of the district are
Note: Replaces language for greater readability and moves definitions of repeated
terms to a separate provision. See the next section of this bill.
SB436, s. 192 21Section 192. 62.18 (16) (b) 1. of the statutes is created to read:
SB436,71,2222 62.18 (16) (b) 1. In this paragraph:
1a."Company" has the meaning given in s. 76.02.
SB436,72,62 b. "Operating real property" does not include poles, towers, wires, equipment,
3mains, lines, tracks and other service structures located within the limits of public
4highways or constructed and maintained on private rights-of-way, and conduits,
5cables, devices, equipment and other facilities located upon or in the operating real
Note: See the previous section of this bill.
SB436, s. 193 7Section 193. 62.23 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,72,128 62.23 (1) (c) The three 3 citizen members shall be appointed by the mayor, upon
9the creation of the commission, to hold office for a period periods ending one, two 1,
and three 3 years, respectively, from the succeeding first day of May, and thereafter
111. Thereafter, annually during April one such member of the commission shall be
12appointed for a term of three 3 years.
Note: Replaces language for greater conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 194 13Section 194. 62.23 (7) (i) 9m. of the statutes is amended by replacing "s. 252.01
14(1)" with "s. 252.01 (1m)".
Note: Corrects cross-reference. Section 252.01 (1) was renumbered s. 252.01 (1m)
by 1993 Wis. Act 252.
SB436, s. 195 15Section 195. 62.23 (10) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,73,316 62.23 (10) (d) If a structure on lands thus taken under this subsection is not
17removed after three 3 months' written notice served in the manner directed by the
18council, the city may cause it to be removed, and may dispose of it and apply the
19proceeds to the expense of removal. Excess proceeds shall be paid to the owner, and
20excess expense
. Excess expenses shall be a lien on the rest of the owner's land
21abutting on such the street, and if to be widened under this subsection. If the excess
22expenses are
not paid, they shall be assessed against such the owner's land abutting

1on the street
and collected as are other real estate taxes. If the owner does not own
2the adjoining piece of land abutting on the new line, the owner shall be personally
3liable to the city for the expense of removal.
Note: Replaces language for greater readability and conformity with current style.
SB436, s. 196 4Section 196. 62.23 (10) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB436,73,125 62.23 (10) (e) Until the city has taken all of the lands within the new lines, it
6may lease any taken lands, to the person owning same the taken lands at the time
7of the taking, at an annual rental of not more than five per cent 5% of the amount
8paid therefor for the taken lands by the city or of the market value, if the lands were
9donated. Improvements may be maintained on such the leased lands until all lands
10within the new lines are taken, whereupon they the improvements shall be removed
11as provided in par. (d). No damages shall be had for improvements made under such
12a lease entered into under this paragraph.
Note: Replaces language for greater readability and conformity with current style.